Product & Merchendize

T-shirt Design
Whenever people think about starting a business, a t-shirt company is probably one of the first five ideas that come to their mind. Why? Well, t-shirt printing business looks like fun and cool. To some extent, they are right. Being your own boss, having own t-shirt designs, selling them with your brand label, having people supporting your work – that’s happiness. Isn’t it?
Think of the world’s most iconic t-shirts. Three Wolf Moon, Bob Marley, Tuxedo… – what do they all have in common? What is the similar thing that has made these t-shirts favorite among the people all around the world? Well, it’s the t-shirt design.

Cup & Mug Design
The importance of marketing and building brand awareness is obvious for every business owners whatever their industry is. Whether you run a salon, bakery, coffee shop or provide services such as financial or accounting, you want your customers to know your brand name and a reminder that they can can approach your business when they need or want something from your industry.
There are a lot of ways to market your brand, for instance by using a billboard, tv advertisement, newspaper and etcetera. Out of all these, there is one powerful, budget-friendly and unique marketing tool to gain recognition and keep your business constantly close to your customers is a custom coffee mug that includes your business name and logo, motto, or catchphrase.
Packaging Design
You may not realise but we as consumers take around 5-7 seconds to make a purchase decision in-store. And on the average supermarket trip, you can be exposed to over 40,000 different products all vying for your attention. That’s a lot of messaging.
To help their products stand out on the shelf, brands use attention-grabbing colour, an array of convenience features and play to motivational triggers. There can be multiple teams of designers, buyers, technologists and quality managers all working for months to deliver one product launch in store. Why? Because they understand packaging be can the difference between a sale or no sale.

Merchandize Design
Branded merchandise is any product that contains a name or a logo of a brand. It is mostly used as promotional material at conventions, but Google, YouTube, and other big brands started selling their branded merchandise in their offices and online.
Nowadays, the business world is very competitive. Every year, we get to hear about a new brand. To make a presence and earn profits, businesses need to come up with creative ways to promote their business and earn profits. Branded merchandise is a great tool to establish brand identity and increase sales.
Promoting a brand through branded merchandise is not a new thing. In fact, a lot of companies have always given importance to market business through company merchandise. This is because it has always worked in their favor.